The third unexpected issue on the train was one of finding space to be able to post porcess the photos. Whilst software like Lightroom, After shot Pro and OnOne 10 photo Suite work fine on my HP Spectre they demand a keyboard to be used effectively. Finding the desk space was a challenge (the actual bar of small tables in the games car where ok) but the movement of they train made using the mouse and pen somewhat of a challenge. The solution was simple use the computer if tablet mode (it double the text and icon size) and so I had an enforced time to try out the touch screen friendly photo editors I had already loaded (Polarr, Autodesk’s Pixlr, Microsoft’s Photo App).Of these Polarr is clerly the most capable and closest to lightroom capabilities. The photo below of a lake at sunsets was entirely post processed in Polarr

Perhaps my only requests are all only work with jpeg files, and only the microsft app provides a photo browse feature.
Just using your camera phone and posting to Instagram is another possibility, albeit difficult because there was no WiFi on the train and celluar/mobile phone signal very variable.
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