Saturday, May 31, 2014
Friday, May 30, 2014
Another Way to find Dust on your Sensor
Looking back over some google+ photo autoawesomes, of my autobacked up photos. Ok you got me, I do eventually look through them. I noticed that some dust particles I had missed in my sensor cleaning where really highlighted in any HDR images. I assume that this is because the detail of dust is strongest on the slightly over exposed image from the bracketed set, and the google+ hdr process is trying to preserve that detail. This is really an abstract and secondary way to check for dust I still recommend taking a direct image of the sky as a quicker and easier way to detect dust.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
One Day, Two Sunsets
Approaching Abu Dhabi |
Arriving at Melbourne |
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
As close as you can get
As a non Muslim there are certain parts of Saudi Arabia that I am not permitted, (like Al- Masjid Al-Haram Makka (Meca) and Al-Harma Medina) trouble in most of the signs are in arabic! Around Meca there are quiet a few signs in red and white and English saying muslin only area. At medina which is undergoing a lot of development, there are some very clear welcoming (and warning) “gates”, beside the new roads.
On the road to Makkah
The pilgrim coaches are still working after dusk on the road to Makkah, ferrying the flow of pilgrims to and from their holy place.
Monday, May 26, 2014
ThePatch :: Abstract/Curves
I ended up opting for some pure colour theory fun. I took three images of smarties (lollies not unlike M&Ms) at different distances to get different size ovaloids. Then I overlayed (multi-exposure in picasa) the three images over a fourth layer, a hand drawn scribble of orange curves on a blue fabric background (ie contrasting colours). Where blue overlays yellow you get green, red over yellow, you get orange. Blue on blue strengthen blue. I’m sure you know the rest.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
A precious find in the desert
Sometimes it is the little things that you appreciate most like a rich roast, delicate brew and aromatic crèma of an Italian style espresso, as the sunsets.
This HDR was created with Picturenaut as a 16 bit image and tweaked with lightroom
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014
The importance of, right place, right time
By the time I notice this magic moment of the last of the sun breaking through the clouds, I just had time to snap this but those power lines in the way so distracting. Unfortunately by the time I got somewhere without the power lines, the magic was over. Just yet more proof you should carry your camera (iPhones also) with you always and keep your eyes out for those magic moments
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Desert Floor after Rain
After the sandstorm a couple of nights ago there was a decent thunder storm and some rain, which clear the air and puddled rather than sinking in. The desert flora enjoyed the drink, but the harsh sun has dried the short lived mud pack and the desert floor is already cracking and peeling.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Painting in the Desert
As it quiet standard for me, I always carry a sketch bock and a little portable palette of watercolours, some soft pencils and a few brushed. Also after finding I like Derwent’s Inktense sticks (particularly over in New Zealand) I had bought them along as well. Tonight was quiet mild compare with yesteday’s dust/sand storm, when it was dark well before the sunset. It was probably still in 35-40 C range but really dry heat.
So I pulled out my portable pallete but it has been here over a week now and all the paint in the pallete had cracked and crumbled (indicating just how dry it has been). It would be a bit of a disaster using that, out in the evening breeze. Sunset was approaching fast so I just took out the sketch book, the Inktense tin and a big rubber band to hold them togethr, A couple of pencils and brushes in my pocket and a bottle of water (for me to drink as well as for painting) and a paper cup (for my paint water). Even with my trusty Pentax as well it was easy to carry this kit.
The fauna out here includes desert cobras, scorpions (big ones) and camel spiders (all poisonous) so I had no intention to sit as I sketched. Instead I slung the camera over mu shoulder, put some water in the paper cup and recapped the water bottle leaving them on the ground. I then opened the intense tin and put the lid underneath it. Took a couple of stick and put the sketch book ontop, so the Inktense tin was doubling as a sketch board, I had to slide out the the intense tin as I changes colours but that was easy, provided I used one hand to hold the Inktense tin and the sketch book together and the other hand to change sticks,. When I need water I did have to bend and load the brush up with water but that that wasn’t such a big deal. However the sunsets incredibly quickly here to I just into the rhythm of sketch and the sun began disappearing. Still I was very please with my effort and improvised hand held sketching table.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Looking for Curves when there aren’t any
The wind and risk of a sand storms has kept me inside the past couple of evenings, So I thought I might experiment with some ways to make abstract curves with my camera. I figure if I use the TV and led lights on remotes and other devices. Set the ISO slow (such as 100 or 200) high f-stop and slow shutter 1 to 5 seconds and experimented with moving the camera. Kind of light painting in reverse.
Without too much trial and error, I got some encouraging results, It was a matter of moving the camera as smoothly as possible and adjusting the time to suit different light sources. Some of the LED lights obviously omit a fluctuating light leaving dotted lines. The image below was prepared as a candidate for the final challenge in this month’s abstract theme on the patch. It superimposes two images.
Photofriday :: Morning has Broken–Revisited

When I took this shot last week I( was actually pleased with it tonal but not colour and the original is posted on flickr. BUT it was quiet a magical moment to be there, the sun was breaking through the low morning cloud and exposing some promising blue sky above, and the dust and sand haze was still hugging the grown and the shafts of light where casting a gold glow. So I set about reprocessing the image on two parts (layers) in Perfect Effect 8 to cool the sky and warm the shafts of light in the dust and every so carefully applying a clarity tone adjusted to the whole. Its now much closer to what I remember, well in my minds eye.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Dust, the natural enemy of DLSRs
Trying to photography in the Saudi Arabian Desert has highlighted the issues of dust and (mirrored) DSLR cameras. Basically each time the mirror folds up to take a picture and exposes the sensor. The desert wind pick up fine sand particles and dust and it penetrates everything from your ears, anything you touch and eat, even to filling your back pocket. When you change lens for example some dust can find its way inside your camera and onto the sensors. Leaving those annoying little spots on your image. The image above has the very clear black spot of a fine sand particle but also so many ghosted dots (also dust) that I gave up pointing to them all, in the photo above.
So what can you do about it?
The first thing to remember there are now good tools to recover any photos you have taken that have unfortunate spots. These are generally versions of cloning tools that allow you copy the texture/detail for a nearby area over the spot and thus erase it. In lighroom this is called the spot removal tools and cab be found in the development module. In Picasa it is called Retouched and found in the basic edit tools. In AfterShot Pro it is called heal (which just fixes circular blemishes like dust) and is found in their layer manager.The better solution is to clean your sensor of dust as soon as you detect it. This is relatively easy for most camera but a few makers and models do recommend that you get the camera cleaned by the company or their designated agents (and that can be expensive!) For the rest of use check you camera manual and carefully follow the instructions. Some cameras like my Pentax K20D has a sensor shake mechanism to dislodge dusk particles, and often can do this at start-up.
Sandstorm Weather
Thursday, May 15, 2014
The Patch :: Abstract Lines
I find myself in the middle of the Saudi Arabian Desert this week and there is not an obvious lot to photograph. There is of course the horizon, its a strong line (except in a dust storm) its incredibly flat and feature less. There is the road in, which is very straight and does have some lamp posts near the camp, some of the lights actually work. There are some low lying scrubby bushes but nothing particularly linear so I went looking for strong shadows and the hot sun here does create strong shades of anything brave enough to stand up.
Seems the building are the one thing brave enough, so I set about taking photos of various different parts of the camp in the morning and/or evening. The sun rise quickly over head here so there are only short periods after dawn and before sunset that you get an decent length to the shadow (dust storms permitting). It the end I found the photo of my own accommodation gave me the best abstract lines (note there are no external windows and very thick walls)
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Monday, May 12, 2014
Setting Sun through the Dust
The best time of day (really the only time) is as the sun is very low on the horizon (after dawn and before dusk), but all the dust in the air adds its own "warmify" filter
Sunday, May 11, 2014
The Amazing Doorways
The doorways, here is Saudi Arabia, are amazing and something that has struck be as worth photographing (I guess its the focus on abstract patterns). This one was in an unused shopping complex at the base of the mountain pass up to Taif.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Arriving at Taif
What is that watermark about?
Friday, May 09, 2014
The Benefits of Bracketing for High Contrast Subjects
The Photographic opportunities at the Alfred Nicholas Gardens was pretty amazing but the sunny autumn day produced strong contrast in the pools of coloured light in the shade of the tall trees. This definitely a situation that gives a hard time for the in camera light meter to get a viable exposure. I have learned to trust my instincts in situations like this and go for slight under exposure to avoid burning out the highlights. If you are shooting raw you will usually be able to get a bit of detail in the shadows, whereas it is hard to fix the highlights when they are burnt out.

Where do Photographers go in Autumn?
What puzzled me a little was the number of very long lenses, when most of the scenery cried out for wide angel approach. Even with my 18-50 zoom (~ 30-75mm in 35mm talk) I was not able to get the right perspective of the lake. So I ended up taking a series of 32 photos from the boat house end of lake, which I was able to run through autostitch and produce a 9,400 wide panorama (unfortunately its a bit pointless trying to upload any image this size). Even so it may be worth zooming in and seeing how many photographers you can count. The wonderful yellow tree on the island is a ginkgo biloba (the maiden-hair tree), not shown at its best here. The reflections in the lake alone a worth a special trip, and the walk back up the hill.