Saturday, July 06, 2024

Is Image Glazing Worth the Hassle?

Protecting our art is becoming crucial in today's AI-driven digital world. But is image glazing the answer? Here's my experience so far.

Cara, a popular alternate platform to Instagram at the moment, has yet to offer built-in glazing. They suggest using Glaze, a separate software. Sounds simple. Not quite.

Setting up Glaze is a bit of a headache:

- It's free, 👍 but requires downloading large zip files 👎

- You need a hefty amount of disk space 👎

- The process feels outdated and tedious 👎

took ~88 minutes to Glaze
The real kicker? It's slow.👎👎👎 We're talking almost an hour and a half per image for my 9x5 submissions on older hardware. Ouch.

tool ~83 minutes to Glaze

You can batch them 👍 but it's one at a time.👎

But here's the biggest issue: you can't tell if it worked 🤞. The image looks the same, and there's no way to verify if it's actually protecting your style.🤞

So, is it worth it? Excuse me if I'm a little sceptical. The process is time-consuming, and we're essentially trusting a black box. 

Can it really save our unique mark-making styles from AI theft?

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