Speaking of flickr, there have changes going on to the user interface for a while now some are appreciated whilst others are not so welcome. In general I think the changes are fine but one thing I can't find any more is a direct link to share back into here (blogger). There used to be a reasonable process that both format your image and annotated it with a caption and a link back to the original in flickr by just click on a blog this icon, Now the best I can find is via the share icon (a little curved arrow under the right of your image in the single photo). the popup share dialogue is shown on the right. You can still share to a number of "popular site", but google+ and blogger are conspicuously absent. You can however still create some useful HTML code to paste (or Embed) into your post, assuming you know how to do this.
Why I'm discussing this now is I'm back seeking ways to streamline my web participation & sharing, looking for that elusive POSSE Place [Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere] Known is probably the best solution I've found so far, it certainly is the neatest
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