Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Missing Files after a Windows 10 Update, with the Benefit of Deja-vu

Microsoft could have avoided the brew-ha-ha over missing files, after the latest Window 10 update, if they had bothered to reply to any of my several reports on the problem (to their support sites), all ingored , back in the last update in June. There were probably several hundred others in a similar difficulties reporting to various forums, and microsoft was silent.

The reported discovery that the missing files was cause by the "Known Folder Redirection (KFR) which is supposed to help remove duplicate files, makes sense to me as it was files or folders I had recently been using that “disappeared” during the june Windows 10 update. So this is not really a new issue.

I had a good backup of my working files (on a mirrored NAS drive and a separate external USB drive). I discovered my own work around, just take the affect USB external drive to a different computer, and the missing files were visiable! However I had to go through about 6 weeks of angst and update distress.  Not to mention a total reset and reinstall all my software (and explain to various venders that I need to reinstall software on the same computer (ie without exceeding my install/sites limit). My trust in Microsoft was severely dented and I for one would be happy if I could say NO to any future windows updates. This latest admission is not helping me change my mind.

The big question is how are these problems getting through Microsoft’s testing and their much hyped Insider feedback system? I know, they probably ignored them as well….

1 comment:

Mold Solutions & Inspections said...

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MD-100T01: Installing Windows 10