Wednesday, November 14, 2012

No Photos!! Windows Live & Blogger no longer good friends

I was surprised to get this message when I tried to upload a blogger post I had prepared in windows live (as I often do), The error number 500 and description as an Internal server error didn't make a lot of sense and  I just found dead ends searching on Google & Bing but notice a few others have noted similar problems, particularly when loading pictures. So I tried uploading a windows live post with and without an image and clearly the error relates to loading images (mine are loaded via picasa web).

So does anyone have an explanation? Is it problems/changes in picasa web (ie google+ification of the place) or is something broken in windows live writter?

Using the blogger,com web tools to upload pictures is a viable work around for now. But....

1 comment:

norm said...

Thanks to those who have emailed me. The problem is that the number of files in my picassa album has reached the maximum 500 limit. mainly because live writer upload a thumbnail was well as the original image so I had only uploaded 250.

Fortunately unlock for us (see link below for more details) found that just adding a second album with the same name works.