sometimes even the best fisherman don't make their catch
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
diamonds in the sky
Diamonds 2002 is a fasinating sculptural piece by New Zealand Neil Dawson, it is constructed from aluminium extrusion and mesh painted with synthetic polymer automotive paints , and if you look closely you can see the cables suspedning it. It is displayed at the front of the National Gallery of Art in Canberra
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
damn batteries
I guess it had to happen, when I was taking so many photos. Ever since I have been using this new Pentax 20D body, which comes with its own rechargeable lithium battery pack, I have been dreading the day when the batteries run out, just as the perfect photo moment arrives. All that happened today at Wentworth Falls. The morning dust has subsided and a few fleeting glimpses of sun light where flying past. I just changed to a wider angle lens and nothing, except an battery empty symbol.
I had check last night and the battery indicator was still on full, wasn’t happy. :(
But I had my nokia mobile phone. A quick series gave me a half decent panorama and a movie as a bonus. :)
and (almost gone again)
So I tried post processing with Dynamic Photo, to combine these bracketed images and extend the dynamic range. The Human eye tone mapping gave be a decent result very similar to what I saw, restricted visibility but an orange glow.
This is yet another example when in doubt about exposure to bracket and take a series
PS: As I was walking back from taking this series the gusts of wind were so ferocious that I saw a small Japanese tourist sweep off her feet and blown across the Echo Point forecourt like a tumble weed. Lots of laughter suggested no damage done, except maybe to her pride.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
now you see them, now you don’t!
Dropping in on another artist
Norman Lindsay's property at Springwood is now also managed as a Gallery & Museum by the National Trust. It preserves his painting and etching studios. His art covers a wide range of creative endeavours from cartoonist, children stories, paintings watercolours and etchings. Often of full figured female nudes, which lead to his frequent conflicts with the wowsers of his time.
The 1993 film Sirens, starring Elle Macpherson and the little known (at the time) Hugh Grant, is a somewhat romantic portrayal of Norman Lindsay life at Springwood. Most of Norman Lindsay's sculptures where construction on site in his garden as a form of relaxation, using wet concrete over a metal frame. I trust my Photosynth below gives you some inkling of his Olympian dream.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
The Golden Hours
At different times & different parts of the year the intensity and quality of light varies. The hours just after and just before sunrise and sunset have the sunlight hitting everything at a low angle, giving better, softer more even lighting. The light often has a deep rich glow that warms colours, compared with the harsh contrasty light of the Australian midday.
The glow can be slightly different in the mornings (most likely to be truly golden) and sunset (more likely to have a stronger more orange hue)
This sunset is probably additionally coloured by a smoke haze.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Monday, September 07, 2009
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
more on photosynth
This is a nice walkthrough of some of the opportunities and amazing capabilities microsoft’s opens up for digital photographers