This grey butcher bird came in and watched me eat breakfast. I was amazed how at ease he was, even when a magpie tried to displace him from his perch on the balcony rail, he stayed put. He even waited for me to take a couple of photos (not a common habit of many wild birds)
The stuart highway,is a long link across the middle of australia. Most of path is a long way from anywhere, well this sign is not so far (around 100km) north of tennent creek
These "hawks" where very busy every morning over the new open pit, being dug by Bootu Creek resources. They seemed to be eating the things attached to eat the hundreds of moths that where attracted to the lights at night. Checking an old copy of Neville Cayley's "What Bird is That?" I wasn't able to make a positive identification but they most closely resemble the fork-tailed kite (Milvus migrans affinis. also known as the black kite in europe and africa )