Monday, February 20, 2023

Photowalking on Sunday

Next Photowalk seeing in Detail

The first photowalk has come to an end, with only a few participants showing up. Thanks to those that came But don't worry, we'll make sure to notify you of the next one well in advance. In fact, it's already scheduled on the MGA events calendar!

During this Photowalk, we explored the concept of seeing by chance, inspired by Freeman Patterson's idea of thinking sideways. I’ve provided a short PDF (optimized for phone or iPad) that outlined the tasks for the day. seeing by chance. Firstly, we asked participants to capture three different themes or hashtags. Secondly, we encouraged them to periodically throw a dice and either choose the number of subjects in a photo or the direction they must photograph.

Our objective was to challenge participants to move beyond taking a simple snapshot. With modern cameras and phones, it's easy to obtain well-focused and well-exposed photos. Instead, our random tasks were designed to distract the photowalkers and encourage them to look for different things. By taking numerous photos, participants had the opportunity to review their work later, to see what they captured and saw and how they managed to capture it.

Here are some of my results

#Tranguil, #shadows

#flowers #curve

Six Dots on the Dice

Five Dots

Straight Ahead

Small aside, I forgot to pick up my dice when I took this, but later I was  able to retrace where I took this shot from this photo and there was my dice on the ground!


#sculpture #sky

Start planning for the next photowalk, hope to see you there 

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