Thursday, February 23, 2023

Delving Deeper into the Worlds of AIart

 As the world around us changes rapidly, it's important to keep up with the latest technologies and trends. That's why I decided to delve deeper into the world of AIart, exploring the various offers and services available. Specifically, I've been experimenting with three of the current top AIart tools: Google Deep Dream Generator, Dall.E 2, and Stable Diffusion.

To test out these tools, I've been working with a local group of artists who meet fortnightly on Zoom to paint from a photo. Jeannine Desailly, a co-founder of our little Wednesday Wanderers painting group, kindly supplied a set of photos to paint. I will base my experiment on them.

My first step was to send a suitable prompt “pink lilly still life” to Dall.E 2. While the result was superficially impressive, there were a few things not quite right about the output. The image was overcropped and a little too zoomed in, it lacked the esthetics and composition of a still life subject.

But I'm not giving up on these AIart tools just yet. In my nextpost, I'll be exploring ways to "assist" these tools using these reference images. Stay tuned!

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