Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What are you doing to me Microsoft?

imageI have three computers running Windows 10, or should I say just one is running.the other two are unusable. Unfortunately that includes a new HP Spectre which I bought specifically to be able to run windows 10 when my experience trying to upgrade a Toshiba laptop proved a disaster (it now happily runs Linux).

My new computer, started to crash with that blue screen something is wrong and then it told me the PIN login was disabled (for security reasons) and now I can’t even get the login prompt at all. I do have recover media on USB …. BUT I have to ne able to login to get to it.

My HP desktop PC just goes to sleep (with little spinners running if I’m lucky) frequently and without warning.

I strongly suspect the cause is the recent (but late) update to Windows 10 anniversary edition!

My faith in Microsoft is extremely dented and I can see a lot of users in the various windows forums are equally as distressed by similar isuues. It was a serious mistake agreeing that I would accept all Windows 10 updates.

I’m not looking forward to having to do clean Windows 10 Installs and then reloading my software. First I need to figure out how to get access back into my well loved HP Spectre.

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