Friday, October 14, 2016

PhotoProject :: Seeing By Chance II

Still looking at the issues of seeing a photograph BEFORE you take it, Again I’m working through a Freeman Patterson’s exercises.

Have Somebody --- anybody but yourself --- choose three seemingly unrelated objects for you to photograph together … Don’t expect masterpieces, expect a struggle. Minimum requirement 20 photos

My wife choose for me some orchids flowering at the moment, a piece of blowup exercise equipment called a peanut (her’s is bright green) and a small metal sculpture of a cockatoo. Her logic was the colour combinations might be interesting. Other than that I can not see anything that might even remotely connect these thre things I need to photograph. I added for myself the burden of trying to photograph with three different cameras (My android phone, My Canon & My Pentax.)

Orchid in BloomThe Green PeanutMetal Cockatoo
Android Phone HDRPentaxCanon
PentaxAndroid Phone HDRPentax
Pentax with Oil Paint FilterPentax MovingPentax Moving
Android Phone HDRPentaxAndroid Phone with clip on macro lens
CanonAndroid phone_HDRPentax
Pentax HDRPentax

To be honest this was a lot harder than I imagined

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