Monday, June 24, 2024

The Wild West Side of AI

It seems as if a world wide web is adopting the ways of the Wild West, no laws so if you can see something worthwhile you take it, You don’t have to even use gunpoint these days you can just silently scrape it, make a copy which is ever so easy for digital information. Despite the fact that there are actually laws in place that should stop people doing this. The problem is copyright is complex and varies under different jurisdictions, whereas is the web goes everywhere. I think the fact that a lot of these services consider themselves platforms and not publishers is a very weak cop-out even if it may be a little bit legal it’s probably not moral. I cannot believe for instance that X and specifically Elon Musk supposedly champions free speech, letting very dubious characters pedalling hate speech, straight-out lies like spreadsing politically motivated fake news and fanciful log discredited conspiracy theories, and then at the same time fighting a government trying to take down the filming of a teenage terrorist stabbing a priest in the face while the teen posted his actions live online. I believe the Australian government's request to have it taken down was quite morally legitimate. Have they no shame, I guess not.

So don’t expect the big guys on the internet, or many others without a moral compass, to respect your work or loyal support. They will take what they can. Then throw you under the bus. However, I like the idea of sharing what I know and what I have created I just don’t want it reused without reference to me or straight out stolen. 

PS: Can you see the sunglass-wearing laughing face? Is it an example of the Intelligence of generative AI or just another example of when it hallucinates (aka gets it wrong)? Or is it our intelligence to recognise patterns and shapes (eg faces in clouds or bandanas)?

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