Tuesday, March 28, 2023

What is happening to creativity?

I'm seeing more of the same coming out of generative AI on social media. It is often nicely rendered but devoid of meaning, usually not quite right but puzzling rather than thought-provoking.

prompt: "More of the Same AI Social Media"

The Utopian view of social media is it will allow everyone to show and sell their wares and share ideas with anyone world wide. The reality is a lot different the limited number of places are clogged with wanna bee celebrities, their followers, copycats and a lot of anti-social behaviour. Anything originally creative that is good is swapped in copies and quickly becomes impossible to find. It is only the social media giants making ridiculous amounts of money from the "content" supplied (mostly for free). The change of ideas soon becomes closed in a self-fulfilling bubble that simply feed others in the group with what they want to hear (seldom the truth). It's all very sad.

I now see similar rhetoric being promoted for a utopian world we will be all using AI tools instead of employing or paying others. Already I can see a rush with everyone is trying to cash in, chasing money for nothing, from the likes of chatGPT in just seconds! The Net is filling with lots of sameness that is largely vaporware and again not quite right (full of bias, oversights and untruths). Bit sad really.

However, I just hope that the hype just dies away and the artist, creatives and makers get time to quietly try out the new tools. Mainly to get more productive and build a social place where they own the creative content (not just copying someone else style using a short prompt) but truly making something.

I like Danny Gregory’s weekly essays and this week was aimed at those who refuse to be creative.

Good timely advice. 

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