Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Shape of Things to Come?

I’ve left to last, writing about aspects that I believe Ai techniques should be applied for photo editing and management in the future. The movement to apply different Ai based refinements into existing tools (eg masking, blending etc) will definitely continue. What I would love is to be able to train my own AI with my style of processing images and being able to supervise a more automatic “workflow” to suit both the photograph's content and my objectives.

Ted Forbes of the YouTube channel “The Art of Photography” has reviewed a new AI based photo editing offering called Imagen AI

This does sound a lot like something I have been looking for, a service that will automatically create edits for you using your styles (or generic “talent profiles”). At present, it appears very much aimed at bulk usage cases like event and wedding photographers and specifically from Lightroom. I hope the methods can be taken further, expanded to be more general and interfaced with other software/starting points.

So this is interesting, but not immediately helpful for me (whilst I do have an old version of Lightroom still but never use it) and I’m not holding my breath that it might become the next big thing.

Google have now also released its own text-to-image service also called Imagen, It's a competator for other similar AIart and whilst appropriate prompting can elicite photo-realistic images it's unlikey to be interest to or useful for most photographers.

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