Thursday, September 29, 2022

The Is it Art? Questioning AIart

The question everyone seems to be asking is AIart really Art?

My view is that it is just a different form of expression and it does have many of the characteristics of Art. It certainly will give more people the ability to create things. Something they probably lost as teenagers when they decided they couldn't draw. (Some of us continued to draw and maybe never grow up as suggested by Picasso) However, it is already being exploited by copycat and wannabe influencer types that are on that constant production of "content" treadmill for social media. When you first see an image created by DALL-E or Midjourney it's quite amazing but once you have seen a few the novelty does wear off, and with so many similar dystopian examples now being shown it's becoming a little disturbing.

Yet I see AIart in its many forms as a powerful tool in the hands of creatives. Something that is very clear in the above video, which is also worth watching as a simple explanation of what text prompted image generations actually is and the basics of how it works. So I'm keenly following the developments. On the upside, this technology can save a lot of time getting inspired and just fooling around with concepts. On the downside I do worry that the copycats will exploit true artists' ideas and styles, monetizing such works and thereby ripping off the less-discerning public. I can also see that many artists will not wish to have their works included any publicly available neural network, which inevitably means not having any of their art published on the net!. I don't have an answer to this. 

Such is (modern) life.

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