Friday, July 17, 2020

A "Real" Trial

I'm a little deeper into my trying out both Luminar 4 and also the Creative Cloud software. Today specifically Bridge & Rush. There has to be a problem running either of the creative cloud programs within the same session as running Luminar. I've had countless times that programs have frozen, several times individual programs have gone to blank screens and now four complete system crashes.  ...Not Happy Jan.

Thank goodness these companies offer free trials. If I'd have paid I might have become very annoyed. Once upon a time I might have spent a lot of time trying to help out but my recent experience with software support also suggests I'd be on another downward spiral.
Misty Morning
Misty Morning Exercise in Jells Park

So all I have from pretty much a whole day of frustration is a very lightly touched and cropped image from Luminar which was to be and opening screen in a Rush video. That will not happen now, time to abandon the project, unwind and perhaps have a coffee in the last of the sunshine.

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