Thursday, April 09, 2020

The Window I :: #photoproject

This is a return to a project that I posted earlier. Infact it is exactly the same project. I just want to add a bit more detail about the aim.

I expect that the first day or so you will find a window (you might just have one if you are in imposed self-isolation so that window will be it) and photograph it at different times of the day. I also expect the photos will probably just be snapshots. You know the ones you just pick up the camera aim at the window and snap. There is nothing wrong with this, just get this approach out of your system for the time being.

The real purpose of this project is to look deeper at something familiar. Now you should spend some time looking at the window, looking at light and shadows before you pick up the camera. Think of abstract composition, perhaps just a small segment of the window. Don't just do it once make some time to return to this project several times over a few days and focus on different aspects.

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