Saturday, December 01, 2018

Seeing Colour :: Spectral Colours and other basics

Let’s begin taking a look at the Spectral Colours. They are the colours in white light that can be split out using a prism, discovered (or at least first analysed) by Issac Netwon. They are the colours of the rainbow.

As an aside How many colours are ther in the rainbow?

There is actually a broad range of colours and each corresponds with a given wavelength of light. The light passing through the prism (or drops of rain) gets refracted (bent) according to the wavelength. the short wavelength bent toe least, medium wavelength greens and yellow slightly more and the long wavelength reds bent the most.

Craig Blackwell, an ophthalmologist, has prepared a series of videos that provide great summaries of the technical aspects of understanding the basics of colour, then colour matching and finally leading to the chromaticity diagram. I will include videos from his series as I move through the various aspect of seeing colour.

For now we will start at the beginning.

Next investigate creating all colours just mixing Red Green & Blue

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