Monday, October 15, 2018

This came as a bit of a Surprise

imageI’ve a had a weekend of well meaning folk giving me a hard time because I avoid apple products, particularly the IPad and IPhone and most things “appleverse” (like calling their shop a “city square” and their salespeople “geniuses”). I’m not an apple hater. I still have my iPod, (even though its battery is shot and can’t be user replaced, an incredibly common design flaw in most apple hand held devices, giving them only a guaranteed 2-4 year life expectancy). I just think they are overprices and whilst they do a restricted number of things very well they are pretty inflexible at others… ok I’ll stop there because I don’t want the emotion rhetoric or flame war to start. Anyway it piqued my interest and I decided to look at just who looks at my blog. This is the summary graph by operating system produced by blogger, which hosts this blog

I was surprised! Even If I add together all the Macs, iPhones & IPads its a little over 15% of my readers. So the apple fanboys probably won’t be reading this anyway. What did stun me was the number 39% for Linux users. Obviously I assume I must appeal to the free thinkers, less conventional and nerdy types (or maybe just search bots) as well as the corporate world and more precisely those that can afford the cheaper PCs (windows user 38%). The lesser surprise is the also small number of phones 10%, whereas my website stats have shown viewing with a smart phone to be approaching 50%. Is this because blogger is a bit ordinary in mobile mode or there are no popular HTML “readers” for mobiles. Maybe I am not seeing the true picture, but perhaps it is good that I have avoided the “shiny new toy” syndrome that seems to just focus on gear, (most photography podcasts, you tubers, blogs, and owners of the latest apple gear) not how they can be used. It steels my resolve to return to the mission I started with this blog over 15 years ago, that is “Things They Forgot to Tell You About Digital Photography”.

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