Saturday, October 06, 2018

Playing with Looks & LUTS in AuroaHDR 2019

The new Aurora offers a many new capabilities, particularly in how it “prepares” RAW files to be merged by applying an AI (artificial intelligence) neural networks derived from how other photographers approached exposure, tone mapping and colour renderings of similar scences, to the individual input photos before they are combined. Rather than formulaic presets/filters applied to the merged and higher dynamic images after they are prepared. The difference is a bit like an unseen black box process. There are a few aspects however of the new Aurora that make themselves very obvious to the user. These are looks (the new name for presets) and LUTS (look up tables).

PA030006aur aged lutPA030006aur instagram

PA030006aur silk screenPA030006aur  2stripprocess lut

I thought for now I would just show how much these can affect a single input photo of some native flowers. They are all achieved with a single click once the input image is tone mapped.

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