Wednesday, September 26, 2018

More on Photographing Art … with a Cameraphone

Anne-Laure Jacquart of “following the White Rabbit” on you tube has a couple of quirky but easy to follow video guides on the important steps using a cameraphone to photograph and post process your art (eg tidy up, straighten etc) and it is primarily oriented to getting your art looking its best when to posting on instagram or other social platforms.

It is worth following her around her flat and her fast french accented delivery, particularly how to best use natural daylight, where to find the good light and avoiding distortion by holding the camera parallel to the art. Lots of god advice explained by doing it.

In this second video she demonstrates the adjustments using snapseed, which can still be downloaded for free from both Itunes store and google play. (If you don’t have it yet now is a good time to try it out). However the steps can be applied is most image or photo editors around today,


If you are into watercolours and/or urban sketching, or just eed to get a creativity boost follow Anne-Laure on Instagram &/or YouTube

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