Monday, August 20, 2018

Out of camera .jpeg versus RAW …continues

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA out of camera jpeg    Continuing a comparison of the jpeg photos straight out of my camera with RAW images, from my new Olympus E M10 iii. I’ve chosen a photo of a passing pelican that came up to say hi! (ok he was probably looking for food) but he seemed happy enough and continued down the canal oblivious to my camera. I must admit I like getting candid bird photos this way.

The two images below are default rendering by ON1 Photo 10 and just default tone mapping from Aurora HDR of the single .orf file. Once again I was using the 2x digital tele-converter, so the jpeg is enlarged whereas the .orf RAW file isn’t. I must admit I prefer the Aurora rendering, interestingly it is also much closer to the out of camera jpeg.

On1 Photo rendering of the .orf RAW file Aurora HDR rendering of the .orf RAW file

However I then did my own cropping, tonal & colour tweaks in ON1 photo develop.

On1 Photo used for cropping, tonal & colour tweaks

Confirming that the jpegs out my little Olympus EM 10 iii are really decent but if you have the time and motivation you will be able to bring out a little more from the RAW file. RAW+jpeg is still my preferred setting

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