Friday, July 13, 2018

PhotoProject :: This week in litter

Litter this week, 33% biodegradeable 67% not!
Wheelers hill WalkPhotographing rubbish might seem strange thing to do with a camera,and it probably is. However there has been much in the news recently about our two largest supermarkets here in Victoria no longer giving customers single use plastic bags. The dominant reasons given is these bags are disposed of carelessly, clogging out water ways and damaging marine environments. I walk around such places often, usually with a camera and although I often see plastic in the litter I don’t see such bags. So I though I’d start a photographic straw pole and record any litter on my walks. I actually did find such a supermarkets bag full of rubbish (that's how most bags seem to get used) But throw into a vacant block!
Jells Park WalkJells Park WalkWheelers hill Walk
I was actually expecting to mainly see plastic bottles (mainly water bottles, Styrofoam cups and takeaway coffee cups and mainly their lids. i did photograph several of these. However a couple of items surprised me. Firslyt burst ballons (found at three separate locations?
Jells Park WalkWheelers Hill WalkJells Park Walk
the other item that at first puzzled me was little plastic bags part filled and tied up, but discarded in people’s front yards or beside paths? Then I realized what they contained. Hardly the spirit of their creations!
Wheelers hill WalkJells Park WalkHere is clue to their purpose
Jells Park WalkA clue to how these bags are usedYes its doggy do, and someone has stepped in this.

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