Saturday, September 02, 2017

The Social Media Diet, that isn’t going so well

Alvin: "Where is Your Commitment"Alvin (aka my Social Media Diet Coach) is very disappointed with me. My social media posting hasn’t really reduced and I was travelling. He is particularly exasperated as I was off line for 10 days and still managed lots of posts. He claims I have become a social media glutton, that I might need to detox. He is threatening to change the passwords, or worse install apps that limit the time I can waste.

Secretly I enjoyed the silence, He is right but I won’t tell him that.

Me : "And I enjoyed it"

I dare not mention that rather than deleting software this month I’ve taken on two more packages. Photo Mechanic, which I won in a give away contest on Instagram (and I already like) and a public beta of Luminar for Windows (I also like it). Maybe I am truly a glutton? So ssssh!

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