Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Van Gogh the Seasons

I'm not sure what Vincent would have made of the crowds looking at his art?The NGVs winter extravaganza, the 2017 Winter Masterpieces, is a collection of Van Gogh’s work from several periods related to his focus on capturing the seasons.

It was just a little too busy for me, I'm not sure if photographing art is a modern subsitution for actually seeingI was continually crossing paths with a guided tour and because photograph is not only allowed but also encourage so there was a line up in front of all the later paintings. Still there was a very comprehensive range of work from early scrapbook inspirations through to a small self portrait.

So many people so many selfiesI have always liked Van Gogh’s line/marks of tortured brush strokes in his wheat fields and cypress trees. I had not realised they where subjects that tortured him. Perhaps I would have liked to see a few more of his drawing

David Stratton and David Wenham’s multi-media guide provides a lot of context and is really worth listening too before you visit the exhibition.

The short introductory film about what inspired Van Gogh is not to be missed

“I’m drawing a great deal and think it’s getting better.” Vincent van Gogh

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