Wednesday, December 28, 2016

PhotoProject :: The Art of Photography :: Assignment 1 Variations

The Suburban Bush Track 1the subiurban Bush Track 2_HDRThe Suburban Bush Track 3 UnderfootThe Suburban Bush Track 4 ShadowsThe Suburban Bush Track 5 ShadowsThe Suburban Bush Track 6 Deep Dreaming of AIartThe Suburban Bush Track 8 Reserve Perspective collageThe Suburban Bush Track 7 CompositionThe Suburban Bush Track 9 Hotter & DrierThe Suburban Bush Track 10 Australian Summer Vibe

I was looking for a place to put this gallery of photos in  just one spot and avoid reposting across the social web. (ie still looking for a suitable POSSE approach, Post [on your] Own Site, Syndicate Everywhere)  I haven’t found a viable solution yet, so this post duplicates images already posted on tumblr and/or flickr and not to forget instagram. What it shows is all the photos together.

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