Sunday, April 17, 2016

Not exactly what I wanted to see

If you pass by often you will probably have noticed that I have gone back to posting most of my photos to share on Flickr. There are several reasons for this but mainly it has retained the better sharing features and hasn’t lost focus chasing mobile photo oriented service.

Now it looks like everything Yahoo is up for sale (apparently 40 companies have been asked to submit offers for parts of the yahoo by 11th April, ie last week) Flickr must be one of the few services that will attract competitive bids. However as the Peta Pixel article concludes -

“In the hands of a good owner, Flickr could thrive and live on as a dominant photo sharing option. In the hands of a bad one, it could go the way of MySpace and other once-powerful Internet services that have withered away from neglect and lack of innovation.”

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