Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Aftermath

Whilst the art and camera gear I took travelling was fine. I didn’t use everything but what I had was certainly adequate to sketch and get some great photos. The joy stopped with the computer, which I have travelled with a many times before but never had any problems. _IGP3327That is until it was ungraded, in retrospect a bad decision. The problems have spilled over from the trip. On the way hoe the cabin baggage was weight and my backup, which doesn’t seem heavy to be was well over the limit to I had to hand carry the laptop. Not devastating but inconvenient.

The last straw was when I got home the wifi was working but I had to yet again re-licence OnOne and After shot when I went back to me original user account. Now lightroom is stalling.again. Perhaps it is time to take the photographic stuff off the laptop and dedicated it to my consulting work (and leave it in the office). Just leave the serious post processing till I get home and can use my desktop.  Either that or do a cold install back to windows 7, then reload everything (not a task I fancy).

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