Monday, February 08, 2016

Enough with the sly-install-ware

imageI’m still a bit wary of windows 10, so I’m a still instantly concerned when anything changes. I went to use adobe digital edition, which I use with borrow box to read ebooks through my local library (normally a great servcie). Adobe told me there was a new edition and did I want to update, I pressed the install now not update later but nothing happened so I borrowed a book and downloade it, during which adobe closed and asked me to read its term and conditions, for the update and press ok. Annoting but all seemed to work then I notice the little yellow norton icon (which just seemed to be a web link so I deleted it and went back to reading my ebook).

Much later a new window proclaimed norton had scanned my system and did I want a 30day trail. I can only assume that the norton scan was assocaited with the adobed install. This time there was an extra link in the installed programs, so I also deleted that which again offered anoth 30day trial!!!! Enough. Delete.

Piggy-backing the secretive installation of software is something both companies should NEVER consider. Both have fallen greatly in my estimation. Such practices are how people become infected by malware & viruses. Now I’m not even confident that hasn’t to me.

PLEASE CEASE AND DESIST Adobe & Norton, or don’t you care about your reputations anymore?

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