Friday, January 01, 2016

CreativeSpaces a little exercise each day

I was actually listening to a radio article this morning about avoiding dementia, which promoted the idea of keeping active, both physically and mentally as the best way to avoid the onset of memory loss and related problems. I’ve also been reminded on podcasts and in discussions that this is the time of the year to start a 365 project. So why not just have a personal resolution to really exercise my creativity on a daily basis but I’m going to stretch myself to do both a sketch (or artwork) as well as taking an photo, and posting them both daily (or close to daily). Havent really planned it out yet but I will start with the photos in flickr and the art work in tumblr.

So here is Day One

image IMG_9303
My sketch is just a very quick watercolour of a grape vine on my back porch as I have a coffee Ok I’ve cheated this is just a photo of my sketch, rather than the obvious by more boring photo of what I sketched.
Here are some good tips from on how to start and keep at it.

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