Wednesday, September 23, 2015

How Disappointing

imageWhilst I know why I keep blogging. I don’t make any money, in fact I was rejected by google when I clicked on the monetize button. I still suffer from other sites and folks scraping my content and images (which is ok under my creative common licence providing they attribute it is my work) What I do find is thinking of and posting about things they forgot to tell you about digital photography helps me keep my work original and fresh. I do also realise that at least a few people stop by and read my stuff a few even leave comments (and I would like to encourage more discussions). I have also found it informative to include a popular post gadget over on the right hand side. I can see that my submissions to PhotoFriday are popular.

However it is a bit depressing to think that a tiny quip about google+ changing its logo is the most popular post over the past month.

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