Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Windows 10 :: Blue Screens of (Un)Recovery

I can’t believe that Microsoft would be using a blue screen again? My experiments with my upgraded windows 10 laptop took a very unfortunate turn for the worse. I had not use it much but each time it was noticeably slower and yesterday unusably slow, so I tried a system reset (aka a clean install). The result my Windows 10 machine has died and refused to be resuscitated (ok it appears to boot but gives the sad face message (below centre left) and then restarts and gives the recovery message (several below) and trying out troubleshooting options  leads me to most of the other screens shown below). These are not my screen captures they are just a collection of the images of you google “blue screen of recovery”. There pages of them posed if you care to look.
Given that a BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH is in this collection as well, I don’t think this captive loop and a blue background is going to help microsoft a lot in public perception. Since this problems doesn’t yet have a name I haven’t found much mention of how to avoid it in blog land or forums. What is the appropriate hashtag folks? Any solutions?

I know when I’m licked, time to re-install windows 7 (and guess what that doesn't work either!)

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