Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Collections in Google+ ?

too many mistresses

If you are observant you may have notice a button called collections on the google+ drop down menu. They are not photos albums (like in Lightroom) they are just a way to group your google+ posts into a convenient place. they can be followed just like another google+ person. I’m guessing the benefit is helping your posts about a single theme or topic not get totally lost in the morass that is the current google+ post cycle. They do require some work for you to currate the collection, and you can only add google+ public posts, either by posting from within the collection or finding an existing post and selecting the add to coolection item now at the bottom of the edit menu for that post (providing its public).

I’m going to experiment by grouping my posts about trying to live with modern digital photography software, called too many mistresses of course. Remembers its a very personal view

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