Sunday, December 07, 2014

Duplicate Duplicity

I’m getting very puzzled by the number of duplicates turning up each month. I have the Exclude duplicated clicked when I load anything via Picasa, but I have noticed that sometimes the other default to delete photos after loading in the after copying selection, is changed to leave card alone and so the picture might remain on the card for reloading another time (normally exclude duplicates then puts a cross against those images (so I avoid loading them twice)

So the problem remains why is it happening now? Also it seems to be far more common when loading from my Canon EOS DSLR than any other cameras., Further it is often only a few photos that are duplicated in a batch. So I’ve tried out loading with picasa and then overloading with a few other software and it seems that the most likely suspect is ligfhtroom. Perhaps it happens to be running when I insert a card but because it is so slow it only gets a chance to load a few images. However the problem is I don’t have lightroom set up to autoload images.

I’d be interested if anyone else has seen this lately.
So for the moment its back to checking as backup I my images and move them to the archive.

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