Sunday, July 13, 2014

This could make a big difference

The creative cloud/photography bungle for $9.99/month, which give access to both lightroom & photoshop, at least while you pay the subscription BUT a lot of internet comments are focused on what happens if you stop paying? Lightroom is a non destructive editor so the original photos will always be there, however lightroom shores all the processing in its catalogue and if that is gone you will loss all your processing, ranking, metadata etc. From personal experience this is not a happy moment. In photoshop you have to save your edits to that’s not such an issue there.  Well starting with LR 5.5 on creative cloud and lightroom downloaded to your desktop will be still useable, in terms of viewing, printing and organizing your photos even if your subscription lapses. You get can still use all the models (except Develop & Map) which means lightroom will work but you can’t edit you photos further of geotag them. This is a big concession from adobe and may convince many the $10/month is a reasonable deal.

I’m not rushing to take up the deal, at least for a while I’m staying with LR 4.4. I’m still a bit miffed that adobe have nobbled the free aspects of Behance so much and I’m definitely not paying their black mail price for Behance Pro!

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