Monday, July 14, 2014

ThePatch :: Colour, Celebration, Street Scene

Almost everyone in Melbourne wears black
The patch themes seem to be getting harder. Finding a colourful celebration street scene in Melbourne in winterChina Town Decorations was always going to be a challenge. Melbournians are renowned for just wearing black, and particularly so in winter. Then there’s the fact that all out festivals are in the warmer months. Today was the aftermath of the world cup and sport is the true religion of Melbourne so I thought there might be a chance there. Seems all of the German fans where celebrating somewhere else and no other team colours to be seen. Then I had the brilliant thought since it is also Bastille Day,  plenty of good food on offer (another Melbourne passion), I figured there might be a little bit of France around to photograph so I headed for the current production of Les Misérables. No luck there either BUT China Town was decked out in its colourful finery, but I could not find what was being celebrated. Perhaps it is just being a long standing part of Melbourne life.

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