Wednesday, June 04, 2014

The Ellusive Mutli-Stitched HDR Panorama

HDR pano AutostraightenedI have actually been toying with doing combined HDR and Multi-image stitched panorama for a while. I have done a few in the past with limited success but can not find any I’ve posted. It was just such a long winded process. (ie you have to do several HDRs first then your must work on correctly joining them) Autos stitch seems to be a little frightened of HDR images and often would connect well overlapping images. The two images of the sunset below with both the sun and moon shining through the clouds (a few moments of magic light) where taken as two images of three bracketed EVs. I’d been busy and forgotten about the images but google+ seemed to keep them back and only just notified me of the autoawesome HDRs being available. Ok they are a little grainy but they seem perfect to try out in autostitch. There is a fair bit of noise, I lightened the final image a bit and it is not exactly an exciting view but the result is much closer to my experiencing of the moment than any single exposure.

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