Thursday, June 19, 2014

Picasa Web Albums are still there, albeit harder to find

I recently tried to add the location to a photo to a photo already posted in Google+, and could not find any option to do it. That surprised me as it was always possible in picasa web albums. I could have of coarse added the location in picasa and re-uploaded the photo. This however leaves a duplication and any comments, views and links are not carried across. I wanted to just upload the photo already posted. I did manage to find a way to get the picasa web album view and add a location but it is somewhat harder to find that photo presentation format today.

One thing that needs to be explained is that trying to access picasa web albums via any update version of picasa (ie 3.9) actually take you to a google+ photos view, not to picasa web albums. Further the neat link I gave back in March, no longer works either, it also takes you direct to Google+ Photos
(this link no longer works, you will be redirected to google+ photos)
This link still works (at the moment!)

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