Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Me!bourne By Night by Phone

2014-06-25_19-08-07_HDR_editI tried out a little experiment as I was in the city to go the princes theatre to see “The King & I” which was a great production. Anyway on the way the wet city streets begged to be photographed but I only had my phone. So I took a couple of  photos with HDR Camera+. Next as I waited for the train home I played the Pixlr app creative filters to make the image on the right and then I created a blog post, using a Blogger android app, expecting to be able to utilize the WiFi at the station. However after a lot of non action and spinner on the screen I eventually got a message that the server wasn’t available. However when I got home the photos where already on my Dropbox recent uploads, so dropbox worked just fine.

2014-06-25_19-08-07_HDR  2014-06-25_19-12-31_HDR


HDR Camera+ 2,  Dropbox 2,  Pixlr 1,  def Android/Google Blogger 0

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