Saturday, May 03, 2014

More refinement to my A-B-C Photo Flow

Its the end and one month start of the next, time for the monthly backup. My A-B-C process, shown in a more physical photo flow back in April last year, is bedding down nicely. The A for Acquire is everything happening on the left hand side of by flow chart below. The B for Backup are the arrows to the items on the right. The C for Collection (aka arChive) now sit in a network storage device (the red NAS drive on the top right). I have also added in how I use Dropbox and Google+ Autobackup, which I intend to discuss in separate future postsmore ABC
I have added in the devices and software I use at each step. I have three laptops, which serve different tasks but all act as photo collectors, each of these store the photos and videos together organized by date in sub folders. I often will make incremental backups during the month the one of my portable USB drives (I have two and use them in rotation), particularly when I am travelling or when I have taken a large series. Only one desktop computer is now involved in the archive component of my photo flow and it is used to hold the catalogues of the photos (and videos) in my archives on the network drive, so I update these catalogues as I backup to it. Whilst all computers on the network can access those archive libraries (as networked folders) I have now opted to have three separate catalogues (in Corel Video Studio it is more accurately called a library) because different software offers different advantages for specific formats. How these catalogues get back up is also the potential topic for a future post.

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