Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Patch :: Boats and More Boats

repeated boats autostiched panoramaOne thing there are plenty of in the bay of island are boats, starting from huge cruise ships down to tiny “tinnies”. Every little Bay and sheltered inlet is crammed with expensive pleasure craft but I got interested in other boats the smaller row boats that are parked every to get out to the expensive toys.Some are stacked neatly in racks, other a bit all over the place, but they could make for interesting composition. On the day I visited the Waitangi Treaty Ground there was a large cruise ship anchored off shore and the sun lit it as I was looking at the massive war canoe. The red cross spare making an interesting pattern BUt the canoe is so large I had to hold the camera up well above my head and hope I was pointing in the right direction just to get an image (and it never really came off. Such is life.

Typicsl Bay of islands "car park" iwi Ngāpuhi’s ceremonial war canoe Ngātokimatawhaorua

The weather has turned foul and the bike hire place at the end of Paihia beach, which is normally bustlingly with back packers was quiet and their kayaks for hire where all lined up in the beach. Just a small break between showers to get a quick snap. I was also quiet amazed to see the line of swimmer emerging from the water (look on the left had side). Al last a nice composition.

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