Friday, September 13, 2013

The Benefits of Drop Box (& HDR)

I was out reseaching Sir John Monash, for my current art project, and took a HDR set with my android phone, because I have Drop Box set to upload new photos whenever it connects to a WiFi network.On the way home I travelled by train and thus passed through a station with the Metro Wifi, and by the time I got home the image set had been up loaded to my computers (which also run the Drop Box app. No extra effort required,

The statues is weathered brass and set against a grey yet bright sky, not the situation that would normally give a decent photo. I was expecting a silhouette against a blown out sky and yet the HDR Camera+ app actually made a reasonable job of preserving some (perhaps not enough) detail. Having a HDR capacity always in your pocket can be handy, when you are looking for art reference material even if it doesn’t create a perfect photo.

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