Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Super Moon & the Long Way Home

Supermoon viewed from high above the equatorI was flying back to Australia over Saturday and this didn’t have to opportunity to watch the moonrise on Saturday of the “supermoon”. So called because it is at closest point to earth, its perigee, and this corresponds with the full moon so it was slightly larger and possibly brighter. I did manage to capture a shoot out the window of flight CX105 of the moon as we crossed the equator. Taking the photo in the dark through double thickened glass did mean I got severe flaring from the bright full moon, but the results is pictorial pleasing, albeit useless as a photo record of the moon.

One of  shortest ways to travel from Toronto Canada to Melbourne is via Hong Kong, with the Toronto Hong Kong leg travelling way up into the artic circle and then down over Siberia. So I got to cross the artic wastes and equator in the one very long trip. I have found images of clouds and landforms way below from high altitude make great screen wallpapers and these two of icy Siberian landscape are no expectation.

Approaching outer mongoliaHigh Above Siberia

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