Wednesday, December 21, 2011

PhotoProject :: Focussing on 50mm

One exercise often recommended to students of photography is to just use one lens, no zoom, and use the camera viewfinder to crop and compose your final image, Just using a single prime lens (a fixed focal length, which is most likely to be a 50mm lens for a DSLR cameras) is a good discipline because without the access to a zoom you are forced to think of your position relative to the subject and the light. The red  scooter in a grey city street made for a prefect interesting image, but I had to move in closer and lower. I also wanted to upload my photo to Google+ and have become a bit square crop oriented, with is very much the fashion there now (I assume because the square thumbnails look neat). So I just worried about the vertical position as I took the photo and I did trim it in Picasa before upload.

By the way I tried uploading this directly from the new Picasa (3.9) and ran into a lot of hassles.
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