Sunday, September 04, 2011

Making it look easy

I really enjoyed the drawing and writing course run this weekend by the Broadland Art Centre, called “An Illustrated Norfolk Journal”. Here David Hurrell is demonstrating how just three colours, cobalt blue, light red and yellow ochre can be used to develop a typical Norfolk scene, with just a touch of help from some extra viridian (to help the foreground vegetation) and a thin lemon yellow wash to add sunshine (David’s word). Damn he makes it look so easy.
You can see the scene in the middle of the panaroma from How Hill (above) click on this photosynth image and use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out (or use the plus minus boxes. Your mouse movement will pan you across the image. Find the wind pump down beside the river. Find how many boats are visible on the broads. What are the couple on the right doing in the bushes? Click on the little rectangular icon, with a solid square inside it, to make the image full screen then scroll around you'll be amazed. This photosynth is made out of 14 overlapping photos and constructed with microsoft's ICE software
IMGP5912 IMGP5913
So maybe my sketched book is light on actual sketches but it is bursting with writing, painting ideas and experiments. Did I mention I took lots of photos! Most importantly I found inspiration and new techniques and especially new greens, ways to look at gates. To look up for inspiring skys and forest canopies and down to avoid stinging nettles and the cow pats.

Thanks Angela, David and Nina for a great course. Highly Recommended

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