Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rembrandt’s Huis

Pentax D20 DSLRHTC Wildfire Android CameraPhoneEnhanced with Photoshop Express

There are museums a plenty in Amsterdam, and a lot have very long queues or complaining tourists, yet Het Rembrandthuis seems to be slightly off the main tourist trail.It doesn’t deserve to be and if you are interested in the life and works of the great master it is worth a visit. It will include demonstration o his etching methods and how paint was mixed, in his studio and printmaking work rooms.

The image on the right is the camerphone photo of Rembrandt’s house, in the middle, that has been enhanced with the Adobe Photoshop Express app. Just a little contrast and colour enhancements, don’t expect to be able to do much more.

Messed up with Oil Paint AppRembrandtWhat happened next may well make the great artist turn in his grave. I tried out the Android App called Oil Paint on the enhanced wildfire image above. Oil Paint is one of those “nag-ware” products, it wanted me to connect to the app store and rate the product before I even could run the application (I had downloaded the free trial version).This nagging behaviour alone was enough reason to delete it but the result was just simply so bad I had to show it. This is not artistic its a mess. Sorry remy mate! I have deleted the app I promise.

Very distraught about my former support  of  the fun side of “artistic” camera filters for phones.  I went back at night and took some more cameraphone filtered images. These I can excused as fun, and recommended both the HDR Camera and Camera Fun Apps and worth a bit of playing with.

Created with HDR CameraCreated with CameraFun - CanvasCreated with CameraFun - Sketch

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