Thursday, March 26, 2009


destroy flickr I have really been having my problems with flickr of late, actually just using it via Telstra's Next-G (more on that below), but this isn't a hate campaign its a new application. DestroyFlickr, by DestoryToday, is an alternate way to view and share flickr content, based on Adobe AIR so it will work on Windows, Mac & Linux. It is slick, displaying photos on a dark background, offers drag & drop uploads and downloads and seems fast, but to be honest it does not offer anywhere near the functionality of, but it is worth a look.

So what are my problems with Telstra Next-G? I am a moderator for the VIC/TAS thread of the Australian Photographers!!! group and each fortnight I need to access the competition thread and tally the scores. Sound easy enough BUT it is virtually impossible if I am trying to access flickr via my Next-G wireless modem. It just times out, disconnects, hangs half way through displaying the page or other frustrating misbehaviour, and all this frustration is expensive. Whilst flickr may not be bandwidth efficient I do suspect the issue is a simple technical issue in Next_G, because so many other web applications work beautifully. But how do I get anyone to listen when the problem is not on telstra's support scripts? Well I given up ringing telstra support anymore I just don't have hours of my time to waste and pay even more in phone bills.  It seems I'm not the only one seeing these problems. Telstra Business actually has its own photostream on flickr showing happy customers logging in, ok its just three of them and I'm not one of them. So I'm sure they must have noticed the issues by now!

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