Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mosaic (of the self referencing kind)

Whilst I haven't mentioned my photo impressions much recently I am still creating them. Bigger than before.

collage1 On the weekend I took a series of photos of the three "yellow ducks" which are a floating sculpture on the small pond below the Monash Gallery of Art, with the view of creating a self reference style of mosaic where the tiles where variation on the larger image itself. I took several photos, using the bracketing setting on my camera.

duck Mosaic_0009

I have deliberately kept the number of tiles low (which make the large image less obvious. you will definitely need to click on this to see the larger image to appreciate the flip flop you will experience in front of the large version of this. First you see the large image but soon your eye just sees the littler grouping of ducks have squint and there is the large image again.

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