Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Taking another look at Shozu

Unfortunately Shozu can't help with the quality of your cameraphone photos :)I must admit I have seen others enthuse about ShoZu, pronounced show-zoo, but had not seen much application for it myself. I was wrong of course. If you are into social networking and have a mobile phone camera, you should get it, serious you should download it now.

The advantage is that photo goes directly to the website (no uploading and fidgeting on a PC required).  The list of destination you can share to is extensive, including flickr, facebook, most popular blogs and YouTube and if your phone supports it you can set up One-click uploads (you get the option to upload a photo whenever you take one, with a single click). This is a good feature

ZuCasts, are possible the next big thing, probably making this the number one phone application, they are a lot like a silent podcasts. After you subscribed to specific content it will get delivered to your phone in background, for you to review whenever it suits you.

Shozu is essentially free (there are no charges for joining or using) but you have to pay your phone carrier for the data being sent.

To setup and download directly from your phone, go to their mobile phone friendly website at m.shozu.com

1 comment:

  1. Hi Imageo,
    Thanks for your awesome review of ShoZu we really appreciate it! You might also be interested to know that in our newly released version (v3.3) you can also use the ZuCast feature to subscribe to your Flickr friends' photostreams :-)

    Thanks again and happy snapping.

    Mark (ShoZu)

    ...a fellow Aussie ;-)
